“One thing that all of the Millennials have in common is their utter fluency and comfort with digital technology. They don’t just embrace technology, it’s a way of life. The Millennials were the first generation to grow up in a world filled with computers, cellphones, satellite TV, iPods, and online social networks. A recent study found that 91 percent of Millennials are on the Web, making up 32 percent of all U.S. Internet users. According to another study, 77 percent of Millennials frequent social networking sites and 71 percent use instant messaging. “All generations are comfortable with technology, but this is the generation that’s been formed by technology,” says a Yahoo! executive. For them, “it’s not something separate. It’s just something they do.”( Analyzing the Marketing Environment page 17)
I fall into the demographic of being born in between the 1977 and 2000.This would be the time frame that is proclaimed specifically for my personal demographic. The way I feel is that my generation is exceedingly well at technology and its functions. I feel that this is true and being a student technology and its rapid,and ever changing developments has tremendously taken off. Being a so called millennial my generation has been noted to be the fearless tech wizards of the modern age.I fell this is true, and as a student there are examples of this all around me.I look at the peers around me ,and am convinced that todays millennial demographic does indeed share a wide knowledge in the field of modern day technology.Myself and the peers i see directly near me at my school are very well versed in the pages that are being written currently in the ever changing book that is modern day technology. The current state of cellphones would be in my opinion that pretty much every one has got one and this is proven to me daily in school and just plain every day sightings.This observation comes as no surprise. Due to recent ,and ever changing developments in technology the convieniance factor has made it so easy to obtain handheld technology,and information rapidly. We view the world differently now days . Especially with the internet and all the information that we have at our finger tips. The world is in our hands at the look of a .com address, this i amazing and definately a large part of what makes up my demographic as a millennial.
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